Sunday, May 11, 2008

Flowers for Mommy

When I started this blog, I sort of made an unwritten rule for myself that I wouldn't post on Sundays. I really want to treasure Sunday for the day of rest and family time that I think God intends it to be.

However, it is a blog about adoption waiting and it is Mother's Day. So, I'm going to give myself a little exception to the rule today. I just know I have readers out there who are a little blue today. Frankly, I have a little twinge of sadness, too.

Before my hubby and I decided that we were ready to start a family, Mother's Day was a great time to celebrate our Moms. I really didn't think too much about it. Once you actually desire to be a Mother, this day takes on a whole new level of importance. Something changes in your heart and you can't just coast through this holiday.

For those who wait for their first child, for those who have lost children, for those who have children and long for more, this is a difficult day. I don't have the cure for making it any easier. I just wanted you to know that I said a prayer for all the Moms who wait. You love a child you may not have even seen yet, but you are a Mother at heart.

If there are any flowers to be found on this weedy day, it is the support of a community of ladies who know how you feel. Hugs from me to you!

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