Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Volunteer the Wait Away

This blog is devoted to trying to find the good in waiting. My family is waiting for the referral of our second adopted child. We are doing an international adoption because we feel that is where God called us to go. However, our hearts ache for all orphaned children here in the US and around the world.

One thing you don't have while waiting for an international adoption is a lot of extra cash laying around. So, while there are many, many wonderful adoption related causes to contribute to, this isn't the time when we can contribute. However, we can still help.

A couple of opportunities that we have been involved in:
We started an adoption ministry at our church. Our local Department of Social Services contacted us to be part of their joint efforts between DSS and churches. Their goal is to get the word out about the local foster care and foster care adoption programs. We can help by posting signs, putting notes in our church bulletins and newsletters and hosting events at our churches. They are working on setting up a program where a family or Sunday school class group could help mentor a foster care child by spending time with them, taking them on outings, celebrating holidays, etc.

We have also been able to volunteer at a local children's home. These children have not been able to be placed through the foster care system and live on a campus that houses several hundred kids. We've been able to provide needed items for the kids, have a picnic with them, build picnic benches for their campus, fill Easter eggs with goodies, etc.

Honestly, we don't do enough volunteering. We really could do much more if we just took the time. Instead of complaining about the wait, watching TV, reading adoption Internet rumor sites, etc, I could be doing more for the orphaned kids in my own backyard. I'm issuing that challenge to myself.

How about you? What opportunities are there in your town? Do you have ideas you could share with others. Leave a comment!


Anonymous said...

Michelle, have you read the book The Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting? I read this book while we were adopting and waiting for our son from Guatemala. It put some things in perspective. If you have not read it, do check it out from the local library.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a blog! Thanks for encouraging folks in this way.


Michele said...

I have not heard of that book, but I will definitely check it out! Thanks for the tip.

Jason--I posted over on your blog. Love the work you are doing.

Laura said...

Love the idea of your blog - just linked here from Abba Fund blog! We would love to connect our church to helping with foster care in our area - we are really struggling with finding who to connect to! That's so great that they contacted you! I attended the Orphan Summit in May and that was very helpful for starting or re-energizing an adoption/orphans ministry!