Friday, May 30, 2008

Fun Raising Friday

I'm still looking for ways to raise the fun around here while we wait. Recently, I purchased a family membership to a nearby nature center. The best part about this is the reciprocal membership it offers at zoos, aquariums and museums all over the country (and in some other countries, too). We've already used it at the aquarium while on vacation and at the zoo last weekend. This weekend, we may go to our local children's science museum.

It's a great deal. We paid $60, which includes 2 adults and up to 4 children for a year.(another time when we wish we had more kids!) We've almost paid for it just by visiting two places and we have 11 months to go! There are two places in our town that accept this, so I know it will get plenty of use. I really like the science center, but it is kind of pricey, so we don't usually go there. Now, we can go as often as we want. Fun!

And fun is a great way to pass the time. What's fun in your family these days?

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